The OWASP ZAP tool was created to help users automatically detect security vulnerabilities in web applications while developing and testing them.
The tool can do an SQL Injection test by inserting special characters (eg. ', ', 2*3) in all input fields of the target application and monitoring the web page's behavior. If database errors are discovered on the website, this could be the scenario of an SQL Injection attack.
To validate the vulnerability found, the SQL Injection scanner attempts to construct a syntactically correct SQL query that demonstrates the injection was successful. That is why the following results will be displayed: AND 1=1 --
The SQL Injection scanner does not attempt to exploit SQL injection, it simply detects the presence of any vulnerability that could affect your backend database. If flaws are detected, our online tool offers detailed information about the risks you are exposed to and recommendations on how to perform an effective remediation process. Start scanning for web applications vulnerabilities today so you will not be exposed to SQL Injection attacks which let hackers get to tamper with sensitive information (such as usernames, passwords, and other essential credentials) by disclosing, or deleting it.
For more in-depth information about the SQL Injection attacks, including solutions on how to remediate this vulnerability, you can found on the OWASP SQL Injection Page.
Sql Injection Tool Download
A quick presentation of sqlmap, a popular SQL injection tool. Sqlmap is an open source SQL injection tool that automates the process of testing and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities. The tool being developed in Python, you can use it on any operating system as long as you have a Python interpreter.
Kali Linux Sql Injection Tool Download
Havij is an automated SQL Injection tool that helps penetration testers to find and exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web page. It’s a fully automated SQL Injection tool and it is distributed by ITSecTeam, an Iranian security company. The name Havij means “carrot”, which is the tool’s icon. Jun 14, 2016 sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. Sqlninja Sqlninja is an exploitation tool to be used against web apps based on MS SQL Server that are vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks, in order to get a shell or extract data also.