Microsoft Arc Keyboard Setup

The unboxing and review of the really cool and compact Microsoft Arc keyboard. Microsoft arc touch mouse installation Installing a wireless keyboard and mouse is really easy and should only take about 10 minutes, but possibly longer if you're not already familiar with how to deal with basic computer hardware.


This topic lists a set of key combinations that are predefined by a keyboard filter. You can list the value of the WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id to get a complete list of key combinations defined by a keyboard filter.

You can use the values in the WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id column to configure the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class WEKF_PredefinedKey.

Accessibility keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for accessibility:

Key combinationWEKF_PredefinedKey.IdBlocked behavior
Left Alt + Left Shift + Print ScreenLShift+LAlt+PrintScrnOpen High Contrast.
Left Alt + Left Shift + Num LockLShift+LAlt+NumLockOpen Mouse Keys.
Windows logo key + UWin+UOpen Ease of Access Center.

Application keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling application state:

Key combinationWEKF_PredefinedKey.IdBlocked behavior
Alt + F4Alt+F4Close application.
Ctrl + F4Ctrl+F4Close window.
Windows logo key + F1Win+F1Open Windows Help.

Shell keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for general UI control:

Key combinationWEKF_PredefinedKey.IdBlocked behavior
Alt + SpacebarAlt+SpaceOpen shortcut menu for the active window.
Ctrl + EscCtrl+EscOpen the Start screen.
Ctrl + Windows logo key + FCtrl+Win+FOpen Find Computers.
Windows logo key + BreakWin+BreakOpen System dialog box.
Windows logo key + EWin+EOpen Windows Explorer.
Windows + FWin+FOpen Search.
Windows logo key + PWin+PCycle through Presentation Mode. Also blocks the Windows logo key + Shift + P and the Windows logo key + Ctrl + P key combinations.
Windows logo key + RWin+ROpen Run dialog box.
Alt + TabAlt+TabSwitch task. Also blocks the Alt + Shift + Tab key combination.
Ctrl + TabCtrl+TabSwitch window.
Windows logo key + TabWin+TabCycle through Microsoft Store apps. Also blocks the Windows logo key + Ctrl + Tab and Windows logo key + Shift + Tab key combinations.
Windows logo key + DWin+DShow desktop.
Windows logo key + MWin+MMinimize all windows.
Windows logo key + HomeWin+HomeMinimize or restore all inactive windows.
Windows logo key + TWin+TSet focus on taskbar and cycle through programs.
Windows logo key + BWin+BSet focus in the notification area.
Windows logo key + Minus SignWin+-Zoom out.
Windows logo key + Plus SignWin++Zoom in.
Windows logo key + EscWin+EscClose Magnifier application.
Windows logo key + Up ArrowWin+UpMaximize the active window.
Windows logo key + Down ArrowWin+DownMinimize the active window.
Windows logo key + Left ArrowWin+LeftSnap the active window to the left half of screen.
Windows logo key + Right ArrowWin+RightSnap the active window to the right half of screen.
Windows logo key + Shift + Up ArrowWin+Shift+UpMaximize the active window vertically.
Windows logo key + Shift + Down ArrowWin+Shift+DownMinimize the active window.
Windows logo key + Shift + Left ArrowWin+Shift+LeftMove the active window to left monitor.
Windows logo key + Shift + Right ArrowWin+Shift+RightMove the active window to right monitor.
Windows logo key + SpacebarWin+SpaceSwitch layout.
Windows logo key + OWin+OLock device orientation.
Windows logo key + Page UpWin+PageUpMove a Microsoft Store app to the left monitor.
Windows logo key + Page DownWin+PageDownMove a Microsoft Store app to right monitor.
Windows logo key + PeriodWin+.Snap the current screen to the left or right gutter. Also blocks the Windows logo key + Shift + Period key combination.
Windows logo key + CWin+CActivate Cortana in listening mode (after user has enabled the shortcut through the UI).
Windows logo key + IWin+IOpen Settings charm.
Windows logo key + KWin+KOpen Connect charm.
Windows logo key + HWin+HStart dictation.
Windows logo key + QWin+QOpen Search charm.
Windows logo key + WWin+WOpen Windows Ink workspace.
Windows logo key + ZWin+ZOpen app bar.
Windows logo key + /Win+/Open input method editor (IME).
Windows logo key + JWin+JSwap between snapped and filled applications.
Windows logo key + CommaWin+,Peek at the desktop.
Windows logo key + VWin+VCycle through toasts in reverse order.
Microsoft Arc Keyboard Setup

Modifier keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for modifier keys (such as Shift and Ctrl):

Key combinationWEKF_PredefinedKey.IdBlocked key
AltAltBoth Alt keys
ApplicationApplicationApplication key
CtrlCtrlBoth Ctrl keys
ShiftShiftBoth Shift keys
Windows logo keyWindowsBoth Windows logo keys

Security keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for OS security:

Key combinationWEKF_PredefinedKey.IdBlocked behavior
Ctrl + Alt + DeleteCtrl+Alt+DelOpen the Windows Security screen.
Ctrl + Shift + EscShift+Ctrl+EscOpen Task Manager.
Windows logo key + LWin+LLock the device.

Extended shell keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for extended shell functions (such as automatically opening certain apps):

Key combinationWEKF_PredefinedKey.IdBlocked key
LaunchMailLaunchMailStart Mail key
LaunchMediaSelectLaunchMediaSelectSelect Media key
LaunchApp1LaunchApp1Start Application 1 key
LaunchApp2LaunchApp2Start Application 2 key

Browser keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling the browser:

Microsoft Arc Keyboard Setup Free

Microsoft Arc Keyboard Setup
Key combinationWEKF_PredefinedKey.IdBlocked key
BrowserBackBrowserBackBrowser Back key
BrowserForwardBrowserForwardBrowser Forward key
BrowserRefreshBrowserRefreshBrowser Refresh key
BrowserStopBrowserStopBrowser Stop key
BrowserSearchBrowserSearchBrowser Search key
BrowserFavoritesBrowserFavoritesBrowser Favorites key
BrowserHomeBrowserHomeBrowser Start and Home key

Media keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling media playback:

Key combinationWEKF_PredefinedKey.IdBlocked key
VolumeMuteVolumeMuteVolume Mute key
VolumeDownVolumeDownVolume Down key
VolumeUpVolumeUpVolume Up key
MediaNextMediaNextNext Track key
MediaPrevMediaPrevPrevious Track key
MediaStopMediaStopStop Media key
MediaPlayPauseMediaPlayPausePlay/Pause Media key
Microsoft arc keyboard setup software

Microsoft Surface keyboard keys

The following table contains predefined key combinations for Microsoft Surface devices:

Microsoft Arc Keyboard On Off

Key combinationWEKF_PredefinedKey.IdBlocked key
Left Alt + Windows logo keyAltWinShare key
Left Ctrl + Windows logo keyCtrlWinDevices key
Left Shift + Windows logo keyShiftWinSearch key
F21F21Settings key

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