Ejma Bellows Software Downloads

EJMA was founded in 1955 to establish and maintain quality design and manufacturing standards. These Standards combine the knowledge and experience of the association’s Technical Committee and are available to assist users, designers, and others in the selection and application of expansion joints for safe and reliable piping and vessel installation. The Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc. EJMA was founded in 1955. EJMA Ninth Edition Standard. Bellows-cyclelife-EJMA-vs-ASME ($ 10) 4. Sample Software EJMA Calculation in Excel ($ 30). EJMA Bellows Calculator. EJMA 10th Edition the Latest Revision. 86645792 Ejma7r2 Bellows Worksheet 1.

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Expansion Joint Design Software Our expansion joint design software is mainly for companies and individuals who are designing or checking bellows or compensator designs. Bellows are calculated to, ASME and EN standards. Individual component design programs use generally accepted design formulas and our own proven proprietary calculations. These programs do not use the finite element methods and are therefore easy to learn and use.

Ejma bellows software download
  1. Dubai Ejma Bellows. Kellogg`s formula, (2) formula of EJMA, (3). Software for the simulation of the metal expansion bellows before realization of the bellows.
  2. The Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc. Is an organization of established manufacturers of metal bellows type expansion joints.

EJMA and ASME Standards. Of the expandable metal bellows / joints design. This software has been developed as a. Type’s expansion Metal bellows like un.

Designs may be more conservative but are very fast to produce. Even a salesman who is not doing designs everyday can use them. All programs have high quality printouts of the calculation input and output. Company's logo can be included into the prints. We do not believe in having one large program. Such programs are nearly impossible to maintain and keep error free. Each of our programs is designed for a specific purpose, for ease of use, to be fast and reliable.

We are primarily design and consulting company and the software is developed based on our technical knowledge and experience. With our programs you the designer can design expansion joints that you need and not what some software designer assumed you need. Bellows Master II is a bellows calculation program. It is a stand alone application for Windows operating systems. Bellows are calculated according to two editions of EJMA (Expansion Joint Manufacturer’s Association), ASME B31.3 Appendix X and ASME XIII Division 1 Appendix 26.

It is very user friendly with full error checking for data entry and can therefore be used by a salesman or any other person who has some knowledge of compensators. No extrapolation of factors or material values is needed. Everything is included in the program. Bellows Master II is available in standard form and customized for a bellows manufacturer. Customized version includes manufacturer's tools, special bellows shapes and any other requirement manufacturer wishes to include. Using this fully customized program you will not be able to design a bellows your company cannot produce.

For those who use hydro forming the program calculates required forming pressures, ram forces and tool settings including required material cut lengths and widths. The program has an installation program and very large help file. Bellows Master II has its own dedicated. Bellows Master II EN is a bellows calculation program.

Ejma Bellows Software Downloads Download

It is a stand alone application for Windows operating systems. Bellows are calculated according to EN 14917, which is the latest European standard for expansion joints. It is similar in style to Bellows Master II and is also very user friendly with full error checking for data entry and can therefore be used by a salesman or any other person who has some knowledge of compensators. No extrapolation of factors or material values is needed. Everything is included in the program. The program has an installation program and very large help file.

Table Of Contents

RecBel is a program to calculate rectangular bellows to EJMA design code suplemented with possibility to calculate ferritic bellows elements without expensive fatigue testing. For austenitic bellows elements designer has option to use his own fatigue test results, EJMA round bellows published values with additional safety factor or combination of the two. For ease of use the program has the same user interface as our Bellows Master II. This program is for Windows. The program has an installation program and large help file. ThickBel is a program to calculate thick bellows element to ASME VIII Div 1 Appendix 5.

Program is fully analytical and therefore it is easy and fast to use. Alternative options are complex and expensive FEA or some of the full pressure vessel design programs that include similar module.

Bellows manufacturer can now cheaply and easily optimize the thick wall bellows to suit their manufacturing capabilities. Four different bellows shapes are included in to the program.

This program is for Windows. The program has an installation program.

AxMov Tool is a program to quickly calculate bellows' required axial movement due to thermal expansion of a pipeline or vessel. It also calculates recommended pre-setting of the bellows if the pipeline's metal temperature during erection differs from 20 C. This program is for Windows and it has its own help file and an installation program. HinMov Tool is a program to quickly calculate bellows' required angular movements in a 3 hinge system due to thermal expansion. This program is for Windows. The program has an installation program and its own help file.

Flange Tool is a program to calculate oval and round flanges used for universal and gimbal compensators. Flanges can be blind or with a centre hole and both types may or may not have flange bolts. The program is easy and fast to use.

Results may be slightly conservative compared to finite element methods but are faster and cheaper to produce. Intended users are estimators, sales and designers. It includes calculation of the bellows' pressure force and allows you to include external additional loading of the rods attached to the flanges. This program is for Windows.

The program has an installation program. Pin Master is a program for bellows hinge pin calculation.

Program is easy and fast to use. It includes calculation of the bellows' pressure force and allows you to include external additional loading of the pins. This program is for Windows. The program has an installation program. Rod Master is a program for bellows' control rod calculation.

Program is easy and fast to use. It includes calculation of the bellows' pressure force and allows the inclusion of external additional loading of the rods.

This program is for Windows. The program has an installation program. Gimbal Master is a program to calculate two types of gimbal rings used in compensators.

The program is easy and fast to use. Results may be conservative compared to finite element methods but are faster and cheaper to produce. Intended users are estimators, sales and designers. It includes calculation of the bellows' pressure force and allows you to include external additional loading of ring.

This program is for Windows.The program has an installation program. Bracket Master is a program to calculate various types of restraining bar brackets for compensators. The program is easy and fast to use.

Results may be conservative compared to finite element methods but are faster and cheaper to produce. Intended users are estimators, sales and designers.

It includes calculation of the bellows' pressure force and allows you to include external additional loading of the brackets. This program is for Windows. The program has an installation program. HeatTool is a program to calculate bellows element's metal temperature in high temperature applications.

Codes require use of fluid temperature for the design if the actual metal temperature is not established. Using HeatTool program the designer can use more realistic metal temperature and substantially improve the design. Program can be used also to check that the metal temperature is not below the sulphuric acid dew point. The program is easy and fast to use. This program is for Windows.

The program has an installation program. For more information about any of these programs please.

Vinkarr Technologies Pvt Ltd., Customized ERP Solutions For Engineering Industries and Trading Mobile Applications, Online MLM Binary Solutions, CAD Automations Consultancy Services, Web Design Hosting and Maintenance Services. Bellows Design Metal Bellows Design Software Solutions (MBDSS) Version - 9.0 EJMA and ASME Standards Our product the METAL BELLOWS DESIGNS is only of its kind in the global market which has been specially developed to cater to the design analysis of the expandable metal bellows / joints design. This software has been developed as a standard / customized package complying with the standards of both EJMA Ninth Edition and ASME. The design offers excellent flexibility in terms of selecting the material and calculating design data for the metal bellows. The Unique Features Of The Application Every material Property is integrated with this package. It is easily adaptable to the various raw material properties based needs of the users. Selection of Materials vis-a-vis to working temperature and design pressure is computed by using the Material property values which is retrieved from the material Property tables.

User friendly unit conversion facility which can be adapted based on the raw material which is intended for. (In Psi/ Bar, Kg/Sq.Cm and Mpa ) is available.

EJMA (Expansion Joint Manufacturer Association) latest standard 9th edition and ASME. Design calculation for four type’s expansion Metal bellows like un-reinforced, reinforced, rectangular and toroidal. Based on customer requirement, Design calculation can be made as per EJMA standard and ASME. User friendly alert Messages at various Stage. Movements, Stress Conditions, Cycle Life, Creep Range Flexibility in changing the Mechanical Properties Table values for any Materials during Design calculations.

High level security. Any change in Ejma standard can be incorporated. All formula with input data and detailed calculations provided to evaluate for all calculations manually. Final Calculations results both EJMA and ASME Standards. Modules Reinforced (Single / Dual) Unreinforced (Single / Dual) Rectangular (U / V Profile, Single / Dual) Toroidal (Single / Dual). Optional Units ( Psi / Bar Or Kg Per Sq.Cm and Mpa ) Table Values ( Edit or View ) This ensures your customized solution based on EJMA and ASME All of the formula calculation and values are based on EJMA Latest version 9th Edition and ASME. The input & output values are perfectly cross checked with the Bench mark calculations.

Basic Inputs ♦ Nominal Bore NB ♦ Inner Diameter of the Bellow ID ♦ Thickness of Material t ♦ Convolution Height W ♦ Convolution Pitch q ♦ No. Of Plies n ♦ No.

I need EJMA Standard 10th Edition? Can anyone share? Petroleum Community Forum -Free Discussion and Education Community. Help. EJMA BOOK OF STANDARDS: Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc. – Includes one copy of Practical Guide to Expansion Joints. The EJMA Standards are recognized throughout the world as the authority on the proper selection and application of metallic bellows type.

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Pressure Vessels 18 stadnard s. He has more than 30 years of experience in design, design review, analysis, check-out, mechanical integrity, development, troubleshooting, and failure analysis. Expansion Joint Engineering Innovation. Heavy Lift 14 post s. Tightness of bellows, bands, and rings due to dissimilar material growth rates is considered. General Interest 4 post s.

EJMA 10th Edition | Triad Bellows

Machinery 19 post s. Subscribe to this blog post Unsubscribe. Sa is the allowable stress from the applicable code. With bellows, design for an excessive number of cycles can unnecessarily compromise other design aspects, such as design with respect to internal pressure and column stability resistance to squirm.

Utilizing this program, we can easily perform all of the analyses noted above utilizing over 35 different materials including:. Response to Stress Question. This includes standard conversions in addition to constants used in calculations. Austenitic Stainless Steels Duplex Stainless Steels Nickel Alloys Copper Alloys Aluminum Titanium However, if you require an alloy that is currently not in our database, we will examine the alloy to determine it’s welding and ductility properties.

Click to Request Info. EJMA does not mention this. American BOA is often requested to aid customers in the proper selection of expansion joints for their particular system.

Historically, designers have put large factors of safety on the number of design cycles for bellows, which was in part justified since there was no design margin in the EJMA fatigue curve. Becht Software 4 post s. This would result in a margin of safety frse dependent upon the designer, and could vary from large, to none. Process Consulting 10 post s. And the allowale stresses can be different which different codes. When using this curve, it should be recognized that appropriate design margins are already included, and they should not fred be included in the specified number of cycles.

Was he fudging the first time? However, if you require an alloy that is currently not in our database, we will examine the alloy to determine it’s welding and ductility properties. Some common tests include the following:. American BOA uses a combination of 3D modeling software along with finite element analysis FEA to determine the correct hardware for your design conditions.

I cannot imagine that for simple applications the bellow tube Always has to be x-rayed or DPI tested. Benchmark table inputs and outputs have been revised, with material class and correction factor.

The distinction of thin versus thick bellows has been added.

Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association

stanvard It will also assist the user in communicating design requirements to the manufacturers and to properly install and maintain the expansion joint in service.

What is Bellows Pressure Thrust?

The software utilized for solid modeling and FEA work in conjunction with each other to allow the shortest possible time from concept standxrd to production drawing generation. The calculation of universal type Expansion Joints has been simplified by a modified equation for the axial movement per convolution. Becht Nuclear 36 post s.

The Tenth Edition standards combine the knowledge and experience of the leading manufacturers of expansion joints into an invaluable reference document. The design would be EJMA. Can this be true? Testing A large contributor to the knowledge base at American BOA has been the capability to perform in-house testing in our state of the art on-site test xtandard.

Perhaps there was confusion over which code was applicable.

AND it does not explain why his allowables don’t jive. This Guide is not intended as a source for expansion joint design or application details.

A new Fere version of the new 10th Edition Standards can be downloaded to your PC, laptop or tablet. Why was the EJMA stresses higher? This ensures your customized solution is not only fail safe but produced in a time frame that was previously not possible.

Bellows vendors will often quote two different cycle lives for their bellows. Fatigue life calculations were greatly enhanced and simplified. Chuck Becht on Wednesday, 16 October They seemed too high.

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He is President of Becht Engineering Co. If a bellows can be manufactured from the material, we can easily add it to the database to perform your analysis. Available Positions Apply On-line. Single Bellows Axial Vibration Constants were revised.

To order click here. Guest feee Tom Vowell on Sunday, 20 October Piping 29 post s. The Sa he gave me, for 70F and F were and respectfully.

Ejma Bellows Software Downloads Torrent

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